Sculpting & Toning Videos (All Levels)

20 Minute Abs

This 20 minute class targets the upper and lower abdominals and the obliques!  No props are necessary, but you may use a pillow or rolled up towel to support your head/neck and your low back.  As always, consult with a doctor before jumping into a class.  If you feel anything uncomfortable or strained, leave the exercise out.  Enjoy!

Leg and Butt Sculpting

This quick video targets your inner and outer thighs and butt.  Be prepared to squat, lunge and challenge your balance.  No props are needed.  As always, consult with your doctor before jumping into a class and if anything feel uncomfortable or strained, leave the exercise out.  Enjoy!

Arm Sculpting

This quick class targets your your triceps, biceps and shoulders.  It's not necessary to use props, but if you have 1-3 pound weights (or water bottles, cans, etc.) bring them to the mat!  Always put the weights down if you feel you are using muscles other than the targeted muscle. And and always, consult with a doctor before jumping into a class.  If you feel anything uncomfortable or strained, leave the exercise out.  Enjoy!

Arms + Abs Combo Class

This half hour class is sure to get your arms and abs burning! Sweat and laugh with us as we take you through a classical Pilates class with a twist. We use 1 pound hand weights and wrist weights, but you can always use canned food, water bottles, or nothing at all! As always, check with your doctor before jumping into a class and if anything feels uncomfortable or strained, leave the exercise out. Enjoy!

20 Minute Abs Pt. 2

This 20 minute ab video focuses extra on the obliques, get ready to side plank and twist! No props are necessary. As always, consult with your doctor before jumping into a class. If anything feels uncomfortable or strained, leave the exercise out. Enjoy!

5 Minute Magic Circle - Arms

This quick workout utilizes the magic circle to tone and strengthen the arms, shoulders and back. It's a great addition to any of our other classes if you want a little extra arm sculpting! As always, if anything feels uncomfortable or hurts, leave the exercise out. Enjoy!

5 Minute Magic Circle - Legs

This quick workout utilizes the magic circle to tone and strengthen the inner and outer thighs, hips and glutes. It's a great addition to any of our other classes if you are looking for a little extra lower body sculpting! As always, if anything feels uncomfortable or hurts, leave the exercise out. Enjoy!

Intermediate Standing Arm Series

This 12 minute workout is a great way to tone and strengthen the arms. We recommend using 1-3 pound weights (or none at all!). We flow through several of the traditional Pilates arm weight series exercises and finish with the rowing series from the reformer. As always, if anything hurts or feels uncomfortable, leave it out. Enjoy!

Inner Thigh Blast

Grab a ball (or pillow or rolled up towel) and meet us on the mat for this mat workout that will get the inner thighs burning! We'll take you through some of the basic Pilates exercises and add some extra squeezes and pulses to get those hard to reach inner thigh muscles working! As always, if anything hurts or feels uncomfortable, leave the exercise out. Enjoy!

Booty Blast With A Band

Grab a resistance band and get ready to burn the booty for 10 minutes in the quick series with us! To modify, try performing the movements without a resistance band. We recommend trying a stretching video after this video to maintain flexibility in your hips. As always, if anything hurts or feels uncomfortable, leave the exercise out! Enjoy!

10 Minute Ab Blast

Carolyn and Sarah lead you through a fast paced 10 minute ab sculpting workout. This workout includes a series of side and front facing planks. As always, if anything hurts or feels uncomfortable, leave the exercise out. Enjoy!